
Acupuncture is part of a complex medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been practiced for over 3ooo years. TCM includes many modalities, such as Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Moxibustion, Cupping, Massage (Tuina), Aromatherapy, Taichi Chuan, Chigong, and Daoist Meditation.

Acupuncture is fully integrated into the medical system in China and many of the far east countries. In the last 50 years it has become established as a form of complementary medicine in the west. It has become recognised by various medical fertility clinics, in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Europe, UK and Ireland as being valuable in the collaborative treatment alongside IVF programs. Also Acupressure is done in maternity hospitals, and in labour wards and acupuncture proves invaluable in supporting the birthing process before during and in the weeks following.

Acupuncture is offered in the support of many cancer treatments, in particular in assisting the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It is used to diagnose, treat and prevent illnesses and due to its proven effectiveness it has been recognised by the World Health Organization and increasingly by the Western medical profession.

It is used greatly in helping to support the immune system, reduce inflammation and to maintain general health and wellbeing. In the Viral pandemic of 2020-2021 the National Health Commission of the Peoples’s Republic of China issued treatment guidelines that provide herbal prescriptions for patients depending on the stage of severity of their symptoms. Medicinal herbs and Acupuncture are used in tangent with the treatments given in hospitals to help facilitate in the recovery of Covid 19.

The reports and research have shown a great recovery rate in China and Taiwan which was expediated greatly due Acupuncture’s ability to help expel viruses and due to the complex Chinese herbal prescriptions used to target the internal organ system. For more details on how to maintain wellness during the pandemic read HERE.

Acupuncture when used in an intuitive and spiritual way may help a person connect more deeply with themselves. It facilitates a person to enter gently into a state of deep rest, and equilibrium whereby the body starts to repair itself, releasing stress, reenergising the body, and calming mind and spirit.

Other ways acupuncture may help

  • Boosting the Immune system
  • Common cold, flu, and expelling viruses
  • Asthma Bronchitis COPD
  • Digestive disorders and intestinal inflammation
  • Kidney and bowel disorders
  • Neck shoulder and backpain
  • Headaches and migraine
  • Fibro neuralgia ME
  • Insomnia
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Stress
  • Obstetric, fertility
  • Gynae disorders
  • Menapause
  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy